We will soon be introducing an exciting new service that will strengthen the NSW mental health consumer community.
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Sharing your story
Summarising your lived experience in writing so it can be shared with others (for example on the BEING website) to provide support and encouragement to others. Occasionally we have media enquiries wanting to speak to someone with a specific lived experience. We might ask you if you’d be willing to share your experience with the media to magnify the impact of your advocacy, but we would only ever do that with your express permission.
Being involved in mental health co-design
When you codesign a service or a policy you involve the people who will use the service, or who the policy will impact in the design of the process. Ideally this involvement is from beginning to end. Codesign aims to produce better final recommendations, by ensuring that user insights are built in at every step of their development. Expect to be involved in a very hands-on process that will likely extend over a series of meetings.
Being involved in consultations
A consultation also aims to involve the users of a service or policy in its development or reform. Where consultation differs from codesign is that consultation is usually a self-contained process at the beginning of a project (e.g. discussion and brainstorming) to help set the direct for an independent project working group. Consultations usually only involve one or two meetings.
Being involved in a standing committee
BEING standing committees comprise of up to 12 consumers with lived experience in a specific area, chaired by a member of the BEING team. Committee discussion includes both specific topics that might be under review and generally discussion. Committee members are paid for their participation.