These resources were created to provide information to mental health consumers on their rights under the NSW Mental Health Act 2007, and how to exercise those rights. BEING developed these resources through a combination of workshops and co-design committee meetings made up of people with lived experience. The selection of topics chosen for these resources was a product of this co-design process, prioritising those deemed to be of greatest interest and need.
There are two versions of each. You can browse the comprehensive version of each topic here on the website by clicking on the buttons below, and at the end of each section, you also have the opportunity to download an abbreviated PDF version that you can print out.
I’d like to know more about…
Community Treatment Orders (CTO)
Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)
Your rights as a person in a Mental Health Unit
Designated Carers and Principal Care Providers
Finding Advocacy
Applying for Leave or Discharge
Financial Management & Guardianship Orders
Alternatives to Guardianship
Health workers can download the programme poster (A3) by clicking here.