Introducing the BEING E-Learning Hub!

Since 2020, BEING has been piloting a program to deliver Peer Educator facilitated training and mentorship for people living with mental health issues and/or psychosocial disabilities in NSW, as well as their families and carers. This has become affectionately known as The BEING Leadership Academy or BLA.

For the last 3 years BLA has successfully offered a range of consumer led, co-designed courses and workshops that have provided participants a safe, recovery focused learning environment to gain skills, knowledge, and build capacity for ongoing education.

As the pilot comes to an end, BEING has engaged the team at First Person Consulting, to conduct an independent evaluation and assess the outcomes of the program. This evaluation includes the exploration of financially sustainable options for the future. One strategy BEING is implementing is our new e-learning hub.

The BEING team are currently working hard to transfer our most successful and popular online learning content into an e-learning format.

To support this transition, each course is undergoing a formal review with our BLA Co-Design Committee. This committee is a collaboration between BLA staff and Lived Experience Experts who are responsible for assessing each course’s suitability for e-learning translation. The committee will also provide advice on how to carry out e-learning translation without compromising the needs of people who live with mental health issues.

This change will take effect as of 1st July 2023. From July, BEING will no longer provide real-time online training. In preparation for this, BEING will begin to release a series of free and fee-for-service e-learning courses to the public. The move to this model will support the strategic direction of BEING and ensure the longevity of the valuable resources created during the pilot program.

Over the last 3 years we have heard from our participants that a flexible, self-paced, and student-centred learning option is necessary to help meet the diverse needs of those who wish to attend our training. We believe our new e-learning model will:
• Support those who are unable to attend real-time training due to competing commitments.
• Allow participation of people at various stages of mental health recovery.
• Provide greater opportunity and accessibility for consumers to engage in education.
• Ensure BEINGs impact reaches audiences across Australia.

BEING wishes to thank all of those who have supported and participated in the BEING Leadership Academy over the last 3 years. We look forward to providing you with the new and improved version of BLA in the coming months. Please look out for the release of our first e-learning course due for release July 2023.

If you would like to receive updates on BEING’s transition to e-learning, including the release dates of all our courses, please subscribe to our Mad Monday Memo for all the latest news and information.