BEING – Mental Health Consumers is the independent, state-wide peak organisation for people with a lived/living experience of mental health issues (consumers). We work with consumers to achieve and support systemic change.
BEING – Mental Health Consumers works in the following capacities:
Policy: advocacy and consultation
- BEING – Mental Health Consumers represents consumers by engaging in consumer consultation and participation in forums across NSW, including in regional areas
- Collaborative and responsive policy advocacy work is central to BEING – Mental Health Consumers’ work, including writing submissions and providing input and advice to government and other organisations working in the sector
- BEING – Mental Health Consumers also undertakes generalised advocacy including developing position statements and conducting issued-based campaigns, driven by findings from consumer consultations
- BEING – Mental Health Consumers provides advice and expertise through participation and representation on numerous committees and expert reference groups
Training: capacity building for consumers and workplaces
- BEING – Mental Health Consumers launched the BEING Leadership Academy in 2020 which is our new training, mentoring and traineeship program to build the capacity of people living with mental health issues to be better skilled, equipped and involved in a number of ways within the mental health sector.
Consultation and representation: stakeholder engagement, awareness raising and promotion of consumer issues
- Raising awareness about and promoting consumer issues through a substantial online presence, including the BEING – Mental Health Consumers website, social media, media releases and weekly e-News
- Engaging in representation and participation at conferences, seminars and other relevant events, including holding stalls and promoting BEING – Mental Health Consumers’ work and raising awareness about the issues facing consumers
- BEING – Mental Health Consumers undertakes research on consumer service needs, best practice for mental health consumer participation and quality mental health services
- Establishing and developing relationships with relevant research institutions
Organisational and governance development
- BEING – Mental Health Consumers is committed to ensuring its sustainability and continued growth as an organisation and is continuously involved in planning, monitoring and evaluation processes to this end
- BEING – Mental Health Consumers supports the personal and professional growth of its staff and Board Members via professional development and training programs
Please note that BEING – Mental Health Consumers does not engage in advocacy for individuals.