
Many of us with lived experience of mental health issues have come to recognise the benefit of telling our story.

Not only does it provide a beacon of hope for others experiencing similar distress, and continue the job of de-stigmatising mental health issues, but the telling of it can be cathartic, helping us process our own experience and move to a better place.

If you would like to share your story, please complete the form below and we will look to add it into our weekly newsletter Mad Monday Memo and/or social media posts so that your experience can be an inspiration for others.

Add a photo and your first name only if you’re happy to, otherwise your privacy is assured and your personal details will not be published or shared.

Thank you

The BEING team

Share your story

  • Please only provide your email address if you agree to a BEING - Mental Health Consumers staff member contacting you for additional information about your story.
  • Tell us your mental health story in your words, considering things like: what conditions do you have experience of and how does it/they affect you; when did you first notice it/them; was there a specific trigger; how do they make you feel; what professional treatment have you experienced; what has/hasn't worked and why do you think that is; what has been the hardest thing for you; what support did you most appreciate from family/friends/coworkers; do you have any advice or encouragement to offer others? Your story may be edited to fit our digital media.
  • Max. file size: 499 MB.
    Adding a photo to a case study adds credibility and power to your experience. If you would like to, please upload here a photo of yourself that you are happy to accompany your story.
  • Terms and Conditions