‘least restrictive care or treatment’

Least Restrictive Care or Treatment: a person should only be restricted in their activities to the extent that is required for them to recover. For some people a stay in a mental health unit is necessary while for others a stay...

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authorised medical officer

Authorised Medical Officer: Someone who is either a medical superintendent of a mental health unit or doctor that has been nominated by the superintendent to take on responsibilities and make decisions based on the Mental Health...

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Authorised Medical Officer: Someone who is either a medical superintendent of a mental health unit or doctor that has been nominated by the superintendent to take on responsibilities and make decisions based on the Mental Health...

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Discharge: to end your stay at the mental health unit. You can seek permission from the authorised medical officer on duty to be discharged. If you have a Guardian, they need to consent before you are able to discharge...

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Guardian: A Guardian is another person or party who has legal power to make decisions on your behalf regarding healthcare, lifestyle and medical related decisions. Your treatment team can apply for a guardianship order if they...

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