Year of Birth:
Do you identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander?
What culture are you associated with?:

Interest 1:
Interest 2:
Interest 3:
I am 18 years old, or older:
I am a resident of New South Wales:
I have read BEING's Constitution and support the purpose of BEING's work (including the objects in clause 6.1):
I have read BEING's Code of Conduct and agree to be bound by it:
I consent to becoming a member of BEING if my application is successful:
I give permission for BEING to contact me regarding my application and, if successful, my membership:
I would like to subscribe to receive BEING's news and updates:

As part of BEING's application process, we require two written references from any of the following:

  • Most recent employer
  • Community group or community centre leader
  • Professional organisation (e.g. if you are an engineer, from a professional engineering body)
  • Church / temple / mosque leader
  • A person who is currently, or was recently, active in the Mental Health advocacy community.

In providing the references, please note the requirements below:
  • Your referees must have known you in either a personal or professional capacity for at least 12 months, and
  • Your referees cannot be related to you, and
  • The reference letter must speak about your good character

Privacy and confidentiality agreement:

Terms and Conditions:

I understand and acknowledge that all applications for membership are reviewed by the BEING - Mental Health Consumers Limited board of directors on a regular basis. The Board will consider each application and approve or decline each application at its discretion.
I understand that BEING - Mental Health Consumers Limited maintains a members register in accordance with its Constitution and the Corporations Act.
I also agree to be boundby BEING-MentalHealthConsumers Limited's PrivacyPolicy,whichis available here.

I accept the terms and conditions:
Membership Type: