October is Mental Health Month and this year, BEING has decided to focus on “Hope” as it’s campaign theme. Interim Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Priscilla Brice shared what this campaign means to BEING, as well as how it can help build resilience, and provide support to make a difference both this month and in the future.
Why we chose the theme of hope…
It has been scientifically shown that hopeful people are more likely to engage in mentally healthy behaviours, which is why hope increases the chances of mental well-being, resilience and recovery.
Speaking on why BEING chose ‘Hope’, Brice says, “We believe that having hope during the process of recovery from mental illness is vital. By this, we don’t mean to suggest that hope is sitting on the sofa crossing our fingers that a better day may come. We see hope as involvement in creative, activist, or other community activities.”
She also shared an excerpt from Rebecca Solnit’s book, Hope In The Dark, “Hope calls for action; action is impossible without hope…To hope is to give yourself to the future, and that commitment to the future makes the present inhabitable.” Brice also explains why it holds special meaning for her, “later in the book, [Rebecca] goes on to explain that by being hopeful in this way, we produce meaning rather than being passive consumers, which is a revolutionary act in this era of capitalism. I know this sounds much more straightforward than it is in practice, especially for those of us with constantly chattering minds! I believe it’s something for us to continually work towards rather than ever getting it ‘right’!”
The ‘#BeingHopeful Campaign’ for October’s Mental Health Month…
So, what can you expect as part of the campaign during Mental Health Month?
BEING will be sharing quotes, stories, and experiences from real people as well as the BEING team. We will be using the #BeingHopeful hashtag on social media and encourage others to share their own stories, photos, poems, or any other content (anonymously or otherwise).
Our aim is to create a community of connection and support focused on hope to aid in mental health recovery. If you want to share what hope means for you, please get involved!
How we are bringing hope at BEING…
Hope is a foundation for us at BEING, not just in our mission to further public mental health services and support better outcomes for our consumers, but in our every day lives. It gets us up and encourages us to keep going in what we are trying to achieve.
With a people-centric focus on mental health, hope can be used to develop resilience and promote an ‘anything is possible’ culture. We don’t just want to hope for recovery, but to help those recovering from a mental health crisis harness the power of hope.
If you have a story to share or want to get involved directly during Mental Health Month, send an email to communications@being.org.au.
Also, don’t forget to follow, comment and share on social media using the hashtag #BeingHopeful (you’ll find us here: Facebook, Instagram).