First Name(Required)Last Name(Required)Please enter your last name so we can match your preferences to your contact record.Phone(Required)Personal email(Required)Please enter your personal email so we can match your preferences to your contact record. Address(Required) Street Address Suburb Post Code I am 18 years old or older(Required) Yes No Unfortunately, we will not be able to progress with your application. You need to be 18 years or older to become a member of BEING – Mental Health Consumers.Age BracketPlease select which age bracket you are in.Under 1818-2425-3435-4445-5455-6465-7475+I am a resident of (or work in) New South Wales(Required) Yes No Unfortunately, we will not be able to progress with your application. You need to live or work in New South Wales to become a member of BEING – Mental Health Consumers.I have (or have had) personal lived experience of mental health issues(Required) Yes No Unfortunately, we will not be able to progress with your application. You need to have (or have had) personal lived experience of mental health issues to become a member of BEING – Mental Health Consumers.I have read BEING's Constitution and support the purpose of BEING's work (including the objects in clause 6.1 of BEING's Constitution.)(Required)Read Constitution Here Yes No You need to have read BEING's Constitution and support the purpose of BEING's work (including the objects in clause 6.1 of BEING's Constitution) to become a member of BEING – Mental Health Consumers.I have read BEING's Code of Conduct and I agree to be bound by it(Required)Read Code of Conduct Here Yes No You need to have read BEING's Code of Conduct and agree to be bound by it to become a member of BEING – Mental Health Consumers.I have read BEING's Privacy Policy and agree to be bound by it.(Required)Read Privacy Policy Here Yes No You need to have read BEING's Privacy Policy and agree to be bound by it to become a member of BEING – Mental Health Consumers.I consent to joining "BEING CONNECTED", BEING's online community, with an anonymous profile. Yes No I understand and acknowledge that all applications for membership are reviewed by the BEING board of directors on a regular basis and that it will consider each application and approve or decline each application at its discretion.(Required) Yes No We cannot progress with your application unless you confirm your understanding of our membership process.I understand that BEING maintains a members' register in accordance with its Constitution and the Corporations Act.(Required) Yes No We cannot progress with your application unless you confirm you understand how we maintain our membership register.I give permission for BEING to contact me regarding my application and, if successful, my membership.(Required) Yes No We cannot progress with your application unless you agree to be contacted.I would like to subscribe to receive BEING's news and updates.(Required) Yes No I consent to becoming a member of BEING if my application is successful.(Required) Yes No To progress your application you need to consent to becoming a member if the board accepts your application.In which of the following SUBJECT areas are you interested? (Click ALL that apply.) Depression Bipolar Anxiety Schizophrenia Dissociative Identity Disorders Borderline Personality Disorders Eating disorders Forensic/prison system Autism ADHD Young People Older People LGBTQiA+ CALD/People of colour Rural & Remote Intellectual disability Domestic Violence Homelessness Community Treatment Order Police interactions Suicidality Self-harm First Nations people Perinatal Alcohol & Other Drugs Refugees/Asylum seekers Armed Forces Veterans First responders Consumer peer work In which of the following ADVOCACY areas are you interested? (Click ALL that apply.)Many consumers find getting involved directly in advocacy work empowering, being able to share your experience to improve the system for everyone. Indicate which of the four main advocacy types might be of interest and we will keep you informed of training or opportunities (see below for definitions of each.) Sharing your story Co-design Consultations Standing committees Signature(Required)Sign this application using a stylus or your mouse.CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.